Early Heart Attack Care
Did you know? Heart attacks have beginnings. Learn about the risk factors and how to recognize the warning signs of a heart attack so you can help your family and friends. Always call 911 to transport an individual who is presenting with symptoms of a heart attack, do not drive a person in your individual vehicle.
What are the Risk Factors?
- Family history of cardiovascular disease
- Hypertension
- Overweight or obese
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Use of tobacco products
- Metabolic disease such as diabetes
- Women who have history of gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia or use of birth control pills
What is the Difference Between Men vs. Women?
- Men normally feel pain and numbness in the left arm or side of chest but in women, these symptoms may appear on the right side
- Women may state feelings of exhaustion, fatigue, dizzy or nauseous.
- Women may feel upper back pain that travels up into their jaw.
What is an Atypical Presentation for Heart Attack?
- A sharp or “knife like” pain that occurs with coughing or breathing
- Pain that spreads above the jawbone or into the lower body
- Difficult or labored breathing